Top Parenting Questions Googled
They say parenting doesn’t come with a handbook and I am going to disagree. While it isn’t in handbook form, Google has become my go to when I have questions. Now I know you can’t rely on everything you read but other mama’s like myself have shared their experiences and after reading many scenarios I usually take a bit of each. Here are a few key things that I have searched in the past 18 months and have been asked by other parents. Remember none of this is biblical and should always be discussed with your doctor! Question: When can a baby sleep with a blanket? Answer: By the time your child…
I Don’t See You
To the mom that ______, I don’t See you So many posts these days that have “I See You” and this may make me a bit unpopular but, I don’t See you. I don’t See the struggles you face with depression or anxiety every day because of your situation. I don’t See the difficulties of having a child with special needs. I don’t See the woman that has spent countless hours injecting herself with what she is praying to be her miracle to conceive. I don’t See the mama that is with the love of her life in the NICU, praying that she will get…
Shop Small Business!
Small Business owners are the backbone the country was built on. This Christmas season let’s show our appreciation and Shop Small Business! I have had some amazing people reach out to me to make a list for you to make shopping easier! Alex & Mario with La Vida Loca Boutique I love, love, love my wrap and cardigan I purchased from Alex & Mario’s store! The wrap is from Ecuador and is wool and cotton. The pin is made from coconut and I get so many compliments from each piece! Can’t wait to visit them again soon! Oh and they have free shipping! Facebook Matt with Carpet Depot What a…
Listen With Intent
You hear but do you listen? Stephen Covey Wrote “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” I truly never understood that until I had an interaction with an individual that taught me there is more to conversation than just hearing. Coop and I were at the grocery store and a young man started waving and yelling at me from the end of the aisle. At first I wasn’t sure if he was speaking to me so I let it go. After a few more “Hey’s and Hello’s” and looking around to realize it was me he was talking…
Your Best Life Now!
Does your past cripple you from moving forward with your future? Do you look at generations before you and feel their downfalls hinder you from living your best life? This is your life so are you where you want to be? These are the questions I asked myself after a girl’s night out and had heavy conversations. There were tears and self-realizations to issues that I had never put my finger on, till then. The topic of how we parent was brought up and comments were made that, “I want to do better, be better in my children’s lives and how I raise them. I don’t want the things of…
Toddler’s First Camping Trip! How to Prepare to Camp With Kids
Camping with a toddler sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! You can learn from my experience and make it a successful trip! As many of you know already we took Coop camping for the first time a few weeks ago. I would like to say it was 100% successful but I would be fibbing to you! While it was a great learning experience, I will definitely do a few things different for our next adventure. I was anxiety driven as this was the first time camping with a toddler. I wanted everything to be perfect and being the OCD individual I am thought I had it all figured…
Making Healthy Meals Happen for You & The Family
As a mom, it can be challenging to focus on health and fitness goals. One of the keys to achieving these goals is to dial in our nutrition. And a key to THAT is having healthy food ready on-hand to put in your mouth when hunger strikes. Meal planning/meal prep makes it a lot easier to get healthy meals on the table for the whole family. How do you do it? Although it may seem intimidating or daunting, it’s as simple as 1,2,3. Set a menu Keep in mind what’s realistic for how much prep time you have each day. Some days are busier than others. Which…
Best Things To Do & See In Colorado!
Colorado, one of the greatest vacation destinations in the world! We had the pleasure of living there for four years and we loved every minute of it! We moved back to the East Coast last year so our little one could grow up with family but will definitely take him back to his birthplace and let him enjoy some of the great things we did while there. So there are the typical things that are a must do, but there is so much that is overlooked if you aren’t a local. This list combines the local spots as well as the touristy but in my mind are amazing and totally…
Summer Series: Must Do In My State, Georgia!
Hey y’all, Tanya with The Mama Life! Welcome to Georgia! Georgia is our home now and I absolutely love it here. We moved here from North Carolina, which is home, a few years back. We then moved to Colorado for four years and after having our little one decided Georgia was where we wanted to raise him. There is so much to do regardless of the weather and time of year. We are centrally located to the mountains and the beach and conveniently have the worlds largest airport too! It is a perfect vacation destination as there is something for everyone. So let’s get to the fun stuff! Georgia,…
Summer Series: Must Do’s In My State, South Carolina!
By Amanda Warfield of Live Organized, Live Simple Hey y’all! I’m Amanda and I’m so excited to be here to tell you about my beautiful home state! My husband and I are actually living in Washington right now, and are planning a move back—we just can’t stay away! So, without further ado… There’s Something for Everyone This right here is one of the best parts of South Carolina for me. Whether you’re a beach person, a mountain person, a city person, or a small-town person, we’ve got you covered! The Best Beaches There’s a reason that Charleston is one of the top destination wedding locations. The beaches here are…