Hate, a Condition of the Heart
Like so many I woke up this morning to tragic news once again hitting the heart of America. A lone gunman opened fire at a concert venue in Las Vegas killing at least fifty injuring hundreds more. My initial thought was my God what world have I brought a child in to? My next thought was every generation has seen its share of violence and tragedy’s but that did not stop us from having families and continuing on with life. Each generations story is different but the same. Tragic and deadly, two words that have been a common trend since the fall. If we look back to the first murder…
It Is Okay To Say No!
After having Coop I meet some lovely ladies that were also new mom’s. The conversation came up about visitors, people wanting to hold your child and strangers coming up and touching your baby when out in public. I mentioned I have no problem saying no! It was really that simple. He is new and tiny and I wasn’t going to expose him to any possible germs. One of the mama’s looked at me and said she wished she could do that and was impressed I could so easily. She said it was almost as if it were expected that everyone under the sun could come visit and hold her newborn.…
Super Easy Oatmeal Lactation Cookies
I have now tried a dozen or so cookies that are supposed to help with lactation. The problem is I can never eat more than one to see if they really work because they taste so awful! So, I ventured on my own and made some amazing oatmeal cookies with a ton of ingredients that assist in increasing milk. Today is my first day eating them so not sure if they are working but man they help my mood if nothing else! They are tasty and not too sweet so I don’t feel guilty eating two or three through the day. Ingredients: 1 cup flour ¼ tsp. baking powder…
DIY Sensory Play Ideas
Sensory Bottles: These do not need to be complicated. They can contain colored water, sand, beans or popcorn kernels. Think about the different sounds, weights and visual stimulation the bottle is when making. Spaghetti Noodles: Cooked and cooled of course but set baby on a towel or in a tub and let the messy fun begin! Good ole Pots & Pans: Set baby in the middle and put pots & pans around her. Be prepared for lots of noise! Bubbles: We have an awesome bubble maker with a fan that generates hundreds of bubbles! Ice: A container filled with water and ice. Summer months of course. Can also make…
Baby’s First Cold
Well this has been fun! Coop starting showing symptoms Saturday night and it went downhill in a hurry. I suppose I can’t complain that he is just getting his first cold at seven months old. I of course immediately started looking for any homeopathic remedies possible and got to work. Here is the timeline: Saturday: Symptoms very mild Sunday: Left side sinus started clogging. I gave him a bath and used a bowl with hot water for steam adding eucalyptus drops for him to breathe in. We also have a cool mist humidifier in his room which is a must have living in Colorado. He went to bed as normal but three…
Being a Mama Past & Present
This weekend we had dinner with friends of ours that are expecting. During our conversation the topic of being a mom now vs. 50 years ago came up. It got me thinking of my own childhood (I am 41) vs. the life that our son will have/grow up in now. My mom was able to stay home and sell Avon with me and while I would like to be a stay at home mom it isn’t feasible. Women now are expected to be career driven as well as a wife and a mom. In turn we are more financially secure than my parents were. I don’t remember ever having play-dates.…
Zucchini & Apple Puree
Zucchini & Apple Puree: Stage 2 1 apple 2 zucchini (I used two varieties) Peel all veggies and fruit & slice Place in saucepan with enough water to cover Bring to boil then lower temp to simmer Once soft add to food processor and puree Add cooking water, bm or formula to reach desired consistency
Eat, Play & Sleep Schedule
While we are not “sleep training” per say we are on a schedule. As I mentioned previously a routine is paramount! He is still not sleeping well in his crib but I have hopes this will change soon! This schedule is very flexible and can be modified to your baby. Mama’s if you have any advice and tips you would like to share please do!
Mango Banana Puree Stage 2
Ingredients: 1 mango, cut into chunks 1 banana Preparation: Place the mango and banana chunks in to a food processor. Blend until smooth. Serve.
Pears, Peaches & Strawberries Stage 2
Ingredients: 3 cups strawberries, cored 2 cups pears, peeled, cored and chopped 1.34 cups peaches, pitted and chopped Directions: Place pears and peaches in saucepan, just covering with water. Simmer gently until tender. Drain water. Transfer pears, peaches and strawberries to blender. Puree until desired consistency is reached, adding water if needed.