To the mom/woman that ______, I don’t See you.
To the mom/woman that ______, I don’t See you So many titles these days that have “I See You” and this may make me a bit unpopular but, I don’t See you. I don’t See the struggles you face with depression or anxiety every day because of your situation. I don’t See the difficulties of having a child with special needs. I don’t See the woman that has spent countless hours injecting herself with a cocktail of meds and praying this time will be her miracle and conceive. I don’t See the mama that is with the love of her life in the NICU, praying that she will get to…
What Would You Change About Your Past?
Pirate Themed Birthday Party
I had no idea this would be one of the most fun party’s to plan and decorate for! My little one is into pirates so it only seemed fitting that be the theme for his birthday. We had his party at an indoor trampoline park and the kiddos had so much fun! Enough of that though here is the details for decorating and the cupcakes/ cake. Since COVID is still a concern I had an individual cake made for him and made cupcakes for everyone else so he could still blow out his candles. Thank God for ETSY and the talented people on there! I have link backs to everything.…
Are We Practicing Grace, Love & Forgiveness As Jesus Would?
My kiddo has found a new show that he adores and I am on board as well as it teaches great life principles and lessons. The show is Superbook. It is 2 children and their robot that are transported in time by “Superbook” to the biblical era. They are always transported into a point that teaches them something that they are experiencing in real time. We have watched a dozen or so episodes now and not only is my child learning, I am learning. How am I learning you ask, I will tell you. Last year I wrote a piece “Why I Will Not Have A Conversation About Race With…
What Lane Are You Living In?
I live in the Atlanta area and I am sure that most of you have heard of our traffic nightmares and the different roads here. We have a few highways that we joke about referring to “speed limits” or the lack thereof. I will explain how one of them are and that highway is 400. You have several lanes including the shoulder during rush hour. Rush hour is all day of course and not one span of hours in particular. Anyhow I digress. The far left lane is the “Bat Out Of Hell Super Speeder” lane as I like to call it. I am sure there is a speed limit…
The Parable of the Dragonfly
My husband’s aunt passed away last week and while the service was short it was profound. There is a parable that is read at all of his family’s funerals and this one touched my life! I will comment more at the end: The Parable of the Dragonfly THE DRAGONFLY Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. They did notice that every once in awhile one of their colony seemed to lose…
The Summer My Gen Alpha Got To Experience Summer As A Gen X’er!
I was truly nervous this year as the pandemic virtually shut down any summer vacation plans for our family. My little one is three and we had “big plans” that included a trip overseas. That all came to a screeching halt in March however due to COVID and lock-downs. I literally panicked as what in the world is going to keep my little one busy all summer with no friends, no travel, nothing! I had to take a deep breath and think back to my childhood. There were no big trips and elaborate vacations. My summers were full of riding our bikes until the street lights came on. Playing in…
Has Quarantine Life Changed Us And The Way We Behave Toward Others?
Okay hear me out for a minute. I live in the South and we are known for “Southern Hospitality”, but I fear the virus has changed us and I hope we can get back to the way we were. We went to Blue Ridge, Georgia this weekend and while it is normally the sweetest little southern town you would ever, it has turned ugly. People are just, different. I know we are fearful of catching a virus that we still don’t know a ton about and what we do know changes daily, but when did we stop being polite or hospitable to each other? I wear a mask so I…
Savannah Bucket List & Why You Should Add It To Your List!
I now have a new Top 5 towns that I love, Savannah! We only spent a day and a half but it was amazing! My first major was Marine Biology but History was also a love and history was what we were immersed in this trip. We stayed at a quaint Inn and while it wasn’t the perfect stay, it was beautiful. So why should you add Savannah to your bucket list? Savannah’s Squares! There are 22 total and all are unique and tell a story. They are like small parks that stay green year round. We walked 19 of the 22 and wow we were tired! You will see…
A Weekend In Hendersonville NC
In December we decided to do a weekend trip sans toddler to Hendersonville, NC. Hendersonville is a city just outside of Asheville. Hendersonville is a quaint little town (okay second largest in Western Carolina) and has officially made it to the list of my Top 10 towns I love! We stayed at The Charleston Inn, an adorable B&B, within walking distance of town. We were visiting The Biltmore for the candlelight Christmas tour, but wanted to be further away from Asheville. Don’t get me wrong I love Asheville with all my soul, but the change of scenery was needed. After our 3 hour drive to get to Hendersonville we stopped…