15 Steps To Handling An Angry Little Person
We are going through the temper tantrum stage currently and I have read several wonderful pieces on dealing with anger and outbursts in my toddler. I realize that he is tiny yet and he does not have the skills to manage his emotions. I also remind myself that I am an adult and have moments where I do not manage my emotions well so having compassion for him during this time is crucial. I found a fantastic article by Dr. Laura Markham ,creator of Aha! Parenting, that really put things into perspective. She breaks down the why and how not to react while giving great advice on how to handle…
Fall Bucket List!
Fall is hands down my favorite season and I am a huge fan of anything that embraces it. What’s not to love? Football, cooler weather, pumpkins, apples, bonfires, cozy blankets and the list goes on! I also love leaf looking and now that we are back in the South will definitely be heading to the mountains! Enjoy every minute of the fall season with these must- do activities! Take a look at my Facebook for events in Georgia and North Carolina! Get out there and enjoy this wonderful fall season!
Apple Recipes to Make After a Trip to the Orchard
So you went apple picking this weekend and you’re wondering what in the world you’re going to do with this freshly picked bushel. The best idea: Start with this list of apple recipes right here. Whether you like them sweet or savory, there are tons of ways to put different types of apples to good use. Try chopping them up for a crisp harvest salad or bake them into an apples zucchini bread. You can even pair the sweet-tart flavor of apples with pork or chicken for comforting fall dinner recipe during the week. This is a vintage recipe from Mrs. Cecil Jordan. Another fantastic vintage recipe!
Prayer… It Works
So anyone that knows me knows that complaining is not my thing. In fact when someone asks how I am my response is “Can’t complain and no one would want to listen if I did.” My aunt came back with the perfect response, sometimes if you don’t vocalize what is going on, God can’t put people in a place to pray for you and it is okay to express what is going on. That made me think a bit because while life happens and it is frustrating when things don’t go your way someone else always has it harder/ worse so who am I to complain? I follow a family…
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Well we did it! Moved cross country with a 19 month old baby and a 14 year old Labrador! Oh and we survived our first week back with work and the humidity! All in all the fact I can smile still and have hair is astonishing! Coop and Abby did really well on the trip. The first day was better than the second but due to rain we couldn’t get out of the car as much for breaks. I want to thank Sesame Street for keeping him entertained for 22 hours! I loaded a season of Sesame Street from Amazon Prime Video to his iPad and let me tell you…
Not Your Same Ole Oatmeal
I have been experimenting the past couple of days with ways to make oatmeal for Coop. He is very hands on with his food and a bowl of oatmeal just won’t do. I have come up with two great recipes and both have been a success! Let me know how they work out for y’all and enjoy! Perfect for lil hands and just the right amount of sweetness. Again a wonderful breakfast item which is super kid friendly!
Baby Mine Video Project
So much fun and a privilege to put this together! I had an absolute blast! I re-recorded this while having acute tonsillitis and double ear infection, so isn’t my best recording but I promised a delivery date. Again thank you for sharing your sweet photos of your babies with me!
A Note To My Son & His Future Love
I may be your first love but I am grooming you for your love of a lifetime. I will teach you that chivalry is not dead and opening a door and giving flowers is not a thing of the past. You will learn that having God in your life and relationship’s is most important. Your love for the Lord will be reflected in your love for your wife. You will know that compassion for others will hold more value than judgement. You will understand the power of prayer and the importance of communication. I will teach you that dancing in the kitchen is as important as always saying good…
Best Ever! Zucchini Bread
I have made a ton of zucchini bread with different variations and have finally found THE BEST EVER! I have made this twice this week already and have requests for more. This recipe is perfect consistency, flavor and balance of spice with sweet. Of course you can always substitute things such as sugar, oil and spices but as this one is it really is perfect! Enjoy and I would love to hear from y’all what you think! Super moist and perfect balance of fresh zucchini and spices!
Pork Roast BBQ Nachos
So far this is one of my favorite nacho recipes! It is a touch of Southern mixed with Mexican flavors which come together in a mouth watering dish! This is a perfect weeknight meal since you use the pork that you grilled (recipe here) over the weekend! Quick and easy weeknight dish that your family is sure to love!