The Summer My Gen Alpha Got To Experience Summer As A Gen X’er!

I was truly nervous this year as the pandemic virtually shut down any summer vacation plans for our family. My little one is three and we had “big plans” that included a trip overseas. That all came to a screeching halt in March however due to COVID and lock-downs. I literally panicked as what in the world is going to keep my little one busy all summer with no friends, no travel, nothing!

I had to take a deep breath and think back to my childhood. There were no big trips and elaborate vacations. My summers were full of riding our bikes until the street lights came on. Playing in the creek and if we were lucky a pool! Going on nature walks in our yard and discovering critters we didn’t know were there. Playing with the water hose! Swimming in the pond and hoping a snake didn’t meet you there! We went to the beach with a bucket of fried chicken and a cooler of drinks. We played GI Joe and ran around with our friends. We made summer happen and I didn’t realize until now that they were some of the best times of our lives!

So we have done just that! We have rode our bikes, played in the backyard and discovered wonderful things. Planted a garden and watched our vegetables grow and enjoy them on our dinner plate. Hiked in the mountains and turned it into a dinosaur lookout adventure! Played in waterfalls and rivers. Played with airplanes in the backyard. Played with cars. Played in the pool at our house. We went fishing with no hook of course. We did get to go to the beach also! We have made memories most of all!

My child has been able to experience what my childhood was growing up and if I am honest I am grateful that we were put in the situation to make it happen. While I miss traveling and going to do what we would consider “fun” this day in age, I love that we were able to slow down and realize what was in our own backyard.






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