The Role of Olive Oil in Your Dogs Diet
My Golden Retriever, Fin, has been crazy itchy this year. He is two and has never had allergies so I began to worry. Of course I hate anything that is not natural so I started the search on what can I do at a holistic level to help him. I found the article below and after using EVOO for two weeks now, he is finding relief! I also changed his food from beef to fish and that has seemed to help too. Posted by Rick Petrocelly on 28th Jan 2018 We know all about how olive oil can help our own diets, but have you heard about how it can…
Five Brilliant Ways To Make Your Children Eat More Fruit & Veg
According to a recent study, “only about a third of young kids eat fruit daily,” despite official guidance stating that everyone should eat at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables a day. Following a healthy, balanced diet is essential, especially during childhood, as our diet directly impacts both our physical and mental health. Furthermore, the habits that we pick up as children tend to follow us into adulthood. Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash As a parent, this means that you must always be on the lookout for ways to get your kids excited about healthy eating. With that in mind, here are five…
Beaches Close To Atlanta That You Can Drive To!
Our family is definitely more beach life than snow and ski these days, and we’re always looking for great beaches within a six-hour drive from Atlanta. Hilton Head has become our go-to spot—its convenience is hard to beat! We spent Memorial Day weekend there and have some updates from our last visit, along with details on other nearby beaches worth checking out. Where We Stayed Hilton Head is our go to as the convenience is tough to beat. We visited over Memorial Day and have more details and updates from my last post. I am also including surrounding beaches that are within a six hour drive from Atlanta. This visit…
The 9 Times When It Pays to Copycat
If you have been accused of “copycatting,” there are plenty of examples to prove it can actually be beneficial in certain instances. In this blog post, we will look at nine instances when copying others is appropriate, and how to strategically do it so as to maximize its benefits; under certain conditions it could even help you outshone its original source! Photo by Tolga Ulkan on Unsplash When You’re Still Learning One of the best times to copycat is when beginning in a new field or hobby and need help learning the fundamentals. Copying someone else’s work can provide invaluable assistance, allowing you to gain more knowledge…
Pickleball is Growing Like Crazy in the South
Is your local park a bit busier these days? Crowds are gathering around the tennis court area, and they’re playing a sport you haven’t seen before? Chances are it’s pickleball. This colorful and creative game is becoming increasingly popular in the South, bringing together people of all ages for a unique sporting experience. Pickleball is a great game for those who don’t want to commit to something as physically demanding as tennis. The slower pace, smaller court size, and shorter game duration make it an excellent choice for those looking to stay physically active while having fun. Just check out the pickleball courts in Atlanta, which now has over 30…
Your Perfect Date Night – At Home!
In all the crazy that’s been hitting the world, so many of us have been focusing on family (yep, as we should have been), friends – in many ways just as important, and on finding ways to generate income, keep everyone (especially the tiny humans and our parents) healthy, figuring out how to exercise at home, eat better…the list has been endless and at times, relentless. But for many of us, there is one sector we’ve been neglecting – ‘US’. We mean the royal us as in, the ‘me + 1’, us. So we’re going to help you get your and yours, back on track by inspiring the most…
What Does Your Name-Tag Say?
There are so many names we can be given and give ourselves. The positive names are what we strive for and what God wants for us. The negative names are what we get when we take control and put God in the backseat. I personally have been guilty of this several times. I get it in my head that I can do a better job and navigate life without his help. This is when my life gets out of balance. My relationships begin to falter, depression sets in and doubt takes over. At times it takes me a minute to figure out the missing piece, God. When I do have…
Making Mom Life A Little Bit Easier In 2022
Being a mom is one of the most wonderful experiences anyone can have. It can also be stressful and exhausting at times, and all the pressure and judgment we put on ourselves certainly does not help. The good news is there are some things you can do to lift a little of the burden of mom’s life, read on to find out what they are. Good enough parenting The sheer amount of pressure that is placed on moms today is massive, and sometimes practicing a little compassion and being realistic about what you can truly get done with your time is the best approach. Some people call…
Not Broken Lyric Video!
I promise I have not fallen off the face of the earth! I have been insanely busy with my song release Not Broken! I am riding the wave and the journey has been amazing! Have a look at the new Lyric Video that posted today! This is my first video for YouTube music and I am thrilled with the performance. Read here for more and my story that was behind the making of the song! Not Broken, Life After Abuse #music #musicindustry #spotify
5 Reasons To Travel To Australia: Immense Beauty, Diverse Experiences, And More…
Australia is one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in the world. From its stunning beaches to its vast outback, there are endless reasons to visit Australia. Here are five reasons to add Australia to your travel bucket list! Via Pexels The Immense Beauty. Australia offers a wide range of stunning landscapes, from the bright lights of the big city to the gorgeous beaches. Taking a road trip around Australia is one of the best ways to experience all the country has to offer. There are plenty of things to see and do in Australia, no matter what your interests are. So whether you’re into hiking, biking, or…