Wait, What? Boobies Aren’t For Feeding?
Imagine with me if you will a perfect weather day in the mountains. You are sitting at a lil picnic table with your hubby and almost six month old enjoying the day. Then you overhear “That s*it right there shouldn’t be allowed!” Now you might think I was smoking weed, drinking in public, vandalizing something well you get the picture but I wasn’t. I was feeding my son! You see he still breastfeed’s and while I bring a bottle on trips for the car for emergency purposes, I still breastfeed when not driving etc. I of course ignored the ignorant comment and continued on with feeding my baby. The real…
Sleep! What is that again!
Seems to be the most mentioned topic in any conversation for new parents. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have heard “How is the baby sleeping? How are you sleeping?”. It is understandable I suppose since generally new parents forget what sleep really is and appear to look like zombies for the first few, well I will have to get back to you on how long this lasts. I have now read five books, more blogs and forums than you can shake a stick at and discovered there are more methods to get your baby to sleep than Carter has liver pills! It is mind blowing…
Mama Bear Is Strong
So the family was out at our local outdoor store this weekend and I apparently showed my mama bear instinct a bit too harsh (if there is a thing). One of the employees walked up to us and asked if we needed anything and bee-lined to Coop. She grabbed his hand and I immediately said “Please don’t touch him. He is little yet and has not been vaccinated”. She apologized and said she should not have just reached out and grabbed him. When she walked away my hubby looked at me with shock and said ” Wow that was the first time I have seen you go full on mom…
Why Your Parenting Meme May Be Hurtful
I thank God I have been given the opportunity to lose sleep, be peed on, spit-up on, pooped on, kicked while trying to sleep, given up wine/beer and can’t wait to experience a full blown temper tantrum, hearing mom a million times, walking behind a lil one cleaning up after them only for another mess to follow, be late because he doesn’t want to get ready, asks a million questions, have zero time to myself because a toddler is following me, be interrupted a million times and a list of other things that go along with being a mama. You see we worked and prayed hard for this child and…
Sex After Baby
Not sure about you but sex was the last thing on my mind! New baby, no sleep, your body is in full recovery mode and well I just didn’t feel sexy at all. Note: you need to be cleared by your doctor prior which is normally four to six weeks after delivery. On top of that “Nursing releases oxytocin, a hormone that triggers good feelings toward the baby but also suppresses your libido,” says Dr. Booth. “Anthropologically speaking, keeping your sex drive low is your body’s way of preventing another pregnancy too soon. Patients are always relieved to find out there’s a reason they’re not as into sex.” Some women…
Post Baby Body & Mind
You give birth and you still look six months pregnant! That was how I looked at least. Not sure what I expected but my reality was skewed greatly. I have heard of women who were back into their pre-baby clothes as they were leaving the hospital! Umm no I was in maternity clothes still and let me tell ya how that was not cool. Que the poor me music here! I have always had “body issues” you could say. Being heavy runs in my family and I completely freaked out when the scale hit 173 while pregnant! I am 5’5” and to me 120 is perfect. That puts me in…
Post Pregnancy Hair Loss
Remember pregnancy hair? It was amazing! Like model material with the crazy amount of volume and shine! Yeah I have pictures to remind me but let’s talk about post-baby hair! Another thing no one tells you about! So about three months after I delivered I started shedding. I use the word shedding because I felt like a Siberian husky blowing their coat. Look that one up if you don’t understand. I was literally losing hair everywhere. The bed, shower, blow drying you name it. This wonderful phenomenon is the resting/shedding phase and normally take about three months for the hair to shed out. The hormones during pregnancy which promoted hair…
Exercise After Baby!
So I rode my bike yesterday and ran for the first time today. I accomplished two miles running and though it took me 21 minutes I feel great! I use Runtastic to keep log of all of my activities and you can view my run to see what it looks like. I learned a couple of things while I am getting back to exercising. No matter how many kegel’s you do your bladder control is ummm well, you tinkle yourself. No other way to say it than to throw it out there! I have great running shorts by Nike and I put a pad in them to absorb what I can’t…
Homemade Oatmeal Cereal Stage 1
Milk Reduction When Period Returns
Ugh your monthly aunt Flow returns! As if delivering a human, having leaky boobs and no sleep weren’t enough. You begin to wonder if you will ever catch a break! Eleven months of no visits from aunt Flow was amazing and I did not miss her one bit! Some women will not get a visit the entire time they are breastfeeding, lucky them! I was two months post-delivery when she returned. So how do you combat milk reduction while she visits? Here are a few pointers: Cal-Mag Supplements Just before your period starts, your blood calcium levels drop, causing your milk supply to drop. To combat this, you can take…