Technology Gadgets To Help Make Your Road Trip A Success
Going on a road trip is a great way to see the country and spend time with family and friends. But before you hit the open road, it’s essential to make sure you have all the necessary technology gadgets to make your trip a success. The following blog post will discuss some important tech gadgets that every road tripper should bring along! Photo by Mike B 1) A GPS Navigation System Perhaps the essential gadget for a successful road trip is a GPS navigation system. A good GPS will help you plan your route, avoid traffic congestion, and find the best gas prices along your route. If…
Smart Tips For Preventing A Boring Road Trip
If you have never been on a road trip, you may want to have one planned before the year ends. It will be an opportunity to go on an adventure, have fun and make memories. Some statistics report that 64% of Americans believe road trips are perfect for experiencing unplanned and unrestrained fun moments. However, for a more purposeful trip, you will want to plan to prevent boredom and emptiness. Below is a list of fun activity tips that may make all the difference as you hit the road alone, with friends or family. Image Credit Take a moment to enjoy the scenery What is the purpose of…
Renovating Your Home While On Vacation
If you’ve always wanted to get your home renovated, but one of the things stopping you is how much it’s going to uproot your life, you should consider getting away from it while all of the work is being done. Of course, you can’t expect a huge renovation to be done in the span of a vacation – but there are some pretty big changes you can expect to be finished in under a week or two. You could have your renovation done while you’re away from home, and come back to a completely new feeling at home. No stress or struggle for you at all! Source Remember your…
Travel the World and Make it a Learning Experience at the Same Time
There are several ways to get the most out of your travels and learn about new cultures and places. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to do just that. So if you’re looking to travel and learn, read on for some great tips! Via Pexels 1) Talk to the locals. Whenever you travel to a new destination, try to strike up conversations with the people you meet. Ask them about their culture, their history, what are the best restaurants near Madison Square Garden or the Eiffel Tower, and what they love about their city or country. You’ll be surprised at how much you can…
You Wouldn’t Leave Your Cats Unattended, So Why Forget Your Home When You Travel?
As well as focusing on what you’ll get up to on your trip itself, vacation planning should cater to every aspect of your time away, including what happens back home when you aren’t around. For cat owners or similar, this is a no-brainer. Yet, even for people without pets, thinking about what’s going to happen to your home could end up being crucial. Image Source: CC0 License Whether you’re away for one week or longer, leaving your home without thought is certainly never going to serve you well. In fact, you could return to such a nightmare by doing this that you vow never to go away again.…
Have Baby, Will Travel
Little man’s first trip was to North Carolina when he was eleven weeks old. Since he was not vaccinated I cleared with my pediatrician prior to traveling. He stated as long as you are not passing him around the plane and no one back home was sick he would be fine. (Note he is a breastfed baby therefore receives passive immunity) To say I was nervous is an understatement! I had never flown with a lil one and I was getting ready to take a crash course. His second flight to California will be this week at now six months old! After researching several airlines, I learned that a seat…
Naples Florida, The Perfect Couples Getaway
We recently visited Naples for a very short weekend for my birthday. While it was not what I was expecting, I did enjoy the area and the food!After a super short flight from ATL we reached our destination RSW airport. As far as airports go this is one of my favorites! It is easy to get in and out of and the car rentals are on site. It took us about 35 minutes to get to our resort and from there the relaxation was on! We stayed at the Bellasera Resort. The lobby is beautiful and the pools are nice, but I am not sure I would consider this a…
Vacation Planning North Carolina!
I wanted to post this last week as a closer of our Summer Series, but life happens right? I have thoroughly enjoyed working with everyone so much over the summer and learning about different States and the Must Do’s! Thank you to everyone that contributed and I hope y’all have found inspiration for your next adventure! So as an end to the series I am doing North Carolina! A little more about me: I was born in Texas and lived in Florida for a short time then moved to North Carolina when I was 9 or so. While I am not a Born I am a Raised Carolina Girl…
How We Went To Disney World & Other Activities In Orlando For Under $1,000!
Okay I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal but if you have ever gone on a magical Disney vacation you know that it adds up quickly! The tickets alone for a family of 3 one day with no hopper will cost you around $400! So how did we do 4 days of travel, 1 day at Disney, 1 day at Sea World and Breakfast with Goofy and Friends for under $1,000? Points! I knew we were planning ahead of time and started saving every point possible. I have Expedia and am a Gold Member so I was diligent in booking all my travel (corporate) through them to rack…
Disney World Is Celebrating Its 50th Anniversary By Giving Away Free Trips!
Disney World, the happiest place on earth and not just for little kids! We took our son for his 3rd birthday which was also 2 days prior to the park closing due to COVID. My husband did not understand Disney “Magic” until we went to Good Morning Breakfast with Goofy and His Pals! When Coopers eyes lit up and he was so incredibly happy because he could see his favorite characters, he got it. It was truly a magical moment and will always cherish our time. We are taking Coop back for his 5th birthday but that is another post! So on to Disney’s 50th and how you can enter…