Breast Milk Diaries Part II
Well the day happened, I used the last of my frozen supply. I am now substituting formula along with breast-milk and let me tell ya it was not easy! I made him his first formula bottle and he hated it! Made me smile a bit but I knew he had to develop a taste for it. The next try I gave it to him in the morning when he was good and hungry and he drank six ounces no problem. That night I made him another bottle. It was tough giving it to him and of course I cried. I am still able to pump around nine ounces a day…
Breast Milk Diaries
As I sit here at work ( returning to work after maternity leave )eating my lunch and logging my milk pumped, I realize I really have done a good job. I am 42, work full time outside of the home, full time wife, mom and have managed to breastfeed/ pump for almost ten months. While I may not be able to keep up with Cooper’s milk demands much longer and will have to substitute with formula, I have pumped 2,510 ounces in seven months. I believe that is pretty darn great all things considering. I am still holding on to my year goal which is so close, but I am…
Come On Girls! Don’t Fail Me NOW!
I have been battling low supply for a couple of weeks now. I was pumping anywhere between eighteen to twenty ounces a day (while at work) to nine to ten if I am lucky. I am using up my stash I had in the freezer at alarming rates because I can’t keep up. Alarming you say? Yes! I did not know that I would be so panicked over this. My goal is a year and I am still holding on to that. I have now tried the brownies, cookies, brewers yeast, Fenugreek, flaxseed, oats, smoothies, power pumping and nothing is helping. Everyone keeps saying “Hey you did great I mean…
Post Baby Body & Mind
You give birth and you still look six months pregnant! That was how I looked at least. Not sure what I expected but my reality was skewed greatly. I have heard of women who were back into their pre-baby clothes as they were leaving the hospital! Umm no I was in maternity clothes still and let me tell ya how that was not cool. Que the poor me music here! I have always had “body issues” you could say. Being heavy runs in my family and I completely freaked out when the scale hit 173 while pregnant! I am 5’5” and to me 120 is perfect. That puts me in…
Milk Reduction When Period Returns
Ugh your monthly aunt Flow returns! As if delivering a human, having leaky boobs and no sleep weren’t enough. You begin to wonder if you will ever catch a break! Eleven months of no visits from aunt Flow was amazing and I did not miss her one bit! Some women will not get a visit the entire time they are breastfeeding, lucky them! I was two months post-delivery when she returned. So how do you combat milk reduction while she visits? Here are a few pointers: Cal-Mag Supplements Just before your period starts, your blood calcium levels drop, causing your milk supply to drop. To combat this, you can take…
Let’s Talk Boobies, Who-ha’s and Well…
I learned in a quick hurry that your body is no longer your own after a baby. You are now the life source for your lil one (if you choose to bf) and if you had sweet images of feeding like I had, WRONG. I pictured it as a sweet bonding moment laying in a field of flowers I suppose. What I got was angry barracuda that attacked like it was the last supper. You also will experience who-ha (lady part) sensations unlike any other and then your first umm pooh happens! Your milk does not come in for a few days, which to me is a cruel joke via…