How to Plan Fun Activities for Your Camping Trip
Camping is more than just sleeping under the stars, it’s also about making a lot of memories. You want to make sure that you are enjoying nature and quality time with your family and friends as well. Finding fun activities is going to enhance the experience for just about everyone and make sure that they are entertained. Whether you love games, relaxation or adventure, here’s a look at how you can create the perfect mix of activities for your next camping trip. Image by Henning Sørby from Pixabay Hiking and Nature Walks One of the best ways to experience the beauty of a campsite is by going hiking. There…
5 Tips For a Fantastic Family Camping Trip This Year
Every year, you and your family are lucky enough to enjoy a holiday together. Usually it might involve hopping on an airplane or heading to a hot and exotic place with a swimming pool. This year you have many different thoughts and for a very good reason. Getting back to basics and going camping as a family is so important for everyone with regards to bonding and getting close again. When it comes to hitting the road on a camping trip, everyone can take a break from their phones, reconnect and find fun in a whole host of different ways. With this in mind, here are five tips for a…
Let’s Talk Gear! Hiking, Camping & Outdoor Gear That Is!
Some people get excited about going shoe shopping and I do as well! Just a touch different, hiking shoe different. I love finding a great Outdoor store and can peruse for hours! I want to share with you some of my favorite items and some new that I have discovered recently! OutThere backpacks/ adventure packs were created by Mike Kloser is hands down one of the best packs I have owned. Mike is an adventure racer and he has built an amazing pack. I have 3 I love them so much. OutThere USA is where you can find them and learn more about Mike and his adventures! Ohh and let…
Toddler’s First Camping Trip! How to Prepare to Camp With Kids
Camping with a toddler sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! You can learn from my experience and make it a successful trip! As many of you know already we took Coop camping for the first time a few weeks ago. I would like to say it was 100% successful but I would be fibbing to you! While it was a great learning experience, I will definitely do a few things different for our next adventure. I was anxiety driven as this was the first time camping with a toddler. I wanted everything to be perfect and being the OCD individual I am thought I had it all figured…
Best Things To Do & See In Colorado!
Colorado, one of the greatest vacation destinations in the world! We had the pleasure of living there for four years and we loved every minute of it! We moved back to the East Coast last year so our little one could grow up with family but will definitely take him back to his birthplace and let him enjoy some of the great things we did while there. So there are the typical things that are a must do, but there is so much that is overlooked if you aren’t a local. This list combines the local spots as well as the touristy but in my mind are amazing and totally…
Fall Bucket List!
Fall is hands down my favorite season and I am a huge fan of anything that embraces it. What’s not to love? Football, cooler weather, pumpkins, apples, bonfires, cozy blankets and the list goes on! I also love leaf looking and now that we are back in the South will definitely be heading to the mountains! Enjoy every minute of the fall season with these must- do activities! Take a look at my Facebook for events in Georgia and North Carolina! Get out there and enjoy this wonderful fall season!