How We Went To Disney World & Other Activities In Orlando For Under $1,000!
Okay I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal but if you have ever gone on a magical Disney vacation you know that it adds up quickly! The tickets alone for a family of 3 one day with no hopper will cost you around $400! So how did we do 4 days of travel, 1 day at Disney, 1 day at Sea World and Breakfast with Goofy and Friends for under $1,000? Points! I knew we were planning ahead of time and started saving every point possible. I have Expedia and am a Gold Member so I was diligent in booking all my travel (corporate) through them to rack…
What Is Your Balance In Your Emotional Bank Account?
What Is Your Balance In Your Emotional Bank Account? Sounds like an odd question but if you think about it for a minute, what a great metaphor. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, uses the metaphor of an ‘Emotional Bank Account’ to measure the amount of trust that accumulates in a relationship.1 We all make deposits and withdrawals to this “account” on an ongoing basis. Deposits get added when you do things that are trustworthy or demonstrate care. Withdraws occur when we act in a manner that has people less willing to risk psychological safety by doing things such as being disrespectful, dismissive or dishonest. …
I’ll Fly Away, Live
I was a couple of months pregnant here and my daddy was visiting us in Colorado. We recorded a few live videos and I am forever thankful I will always have this memory with him. For all my lovers of old Southern Gospel, this is for you!
For All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” 1 Peter 1:24-25 Time: The one thing we all have and can be the most abused gift we are given. I am guilty as most of us are and this morning I had my wake-up call that got me thinking. I start my day’s normally at 6:00am when my expensive alarm clock, Cooper, goes off. I get up, change him, and we set out to the kitchen to make our “coffee”. I let the pups out and give…
The Day The Devil Knocked & The Door Was Answered
Our greatest fear is that our children will lose the battle with their addiction. For some families, this fear has become their new reality. June 26th, 2017 is the day that shook our world. We received word my husbands eldest nephew, Jake, lost his fight with his demons. After achieving a period of abstinence, the devil knocked on the door, he answered and his body failed him. The shock that took me is indescribable. It had been less than a week since we talked and he told me how great he was doing and I expressed how proud of him I was. For a moment I believed there was hope! He…