Healthy Living Advice For All The Family
Supporting the health of your family is a primary concern no matter what stage you’re at, but it’s even more crucial if you have a younger family with kids and teenagers. Encouraging them to live healthy lifestyles is part of your responsibility as a parent, so here is a good place to start. Image Credit Healthy Eating These days, many children, teenagers, and adults are overweight due to sedentary lifestyles. In fact, around one-third of Americans are obese, around 12.6 million children and teens. That’s not surprising when you consider the types of feed we consume and the lack of physical activity. In the past, the…
How To Build A Happy & Healthy Life For Yourself
Life can be challenging at times, and your days may not always go as planned. Although you can always expect some roadblocks and problems to arise along the way, it’s no reason to give up trying to create a rewarding life for yourself. Your choices have an impact on how you feel and how your days unfold. It’s up to you to recognize you’re in the driver’s seat and have the power to change courses anytime you choose. If you’re ready to begin your journey to better days ahead then take some time to review how to build a happy and healthy life for yourself. Pexels Find Meaningful…
Returning to Work After Baby
Returning to work after having a baby is a difficult and emotional challenge that many moms must face. I had three months of paid maternity leave and though I had prepared for the day, so I thought, I never knew the emotional and physical challenge would be so difficult. I had been pumping and stock piling breast milk in preparation. About three weeks beforehand I started teaching little man how to take a bottle. I have heard horror stories about mama’s that didn’t do this and their infant refusing to eat when in childcare so I cannot emphasize how important this is. He hated taking a bottle from me but…
Post Baby Body & Mind
You give birth and you still look six months pregnant! That was how I looked at least. Not sure what I expected but my reality was skewed greatly. I have heard of women who were back into their pre-baby clothes as they were leaving the hospital! Umm no I was in maternity clothes still and let me tell ya how that was not cool. Que the poor me music here! I have always had “body issues” you could say. Being heavy runs in my family and I completely freaked out when the scale hit 173 while pregnant! I am 5’5” and to me 120 is perfect. That puts me in…
Exercise After Baby!
So I rode my bike yesterday and ran for the first time today. I accomplished two miles running and though it took me 21 minutes I feel great! I use Runtastic to keep log of all of my activities and you can view my run to see what it looks like. I learned a couple of things while I am getting back to exercising. No matter how many kegel’s you do your bladder control is ummm well, you tinkle yourself. No other way to say it than to throw it out there! I have great running shorts by Nike and I put a pad in them to absorb what I can’t…