
Enjoy A Relaxed Night In With Your Family!

Sometimes, spending time relaxing with the family is what you need to soothe your soul. Whether you’ve got a busy household or you are all occupied with your own hobbies and pastimes in the evening, it’s good to bring everyone together for a relaxed night in.


If you’ve got a family night coming or you’re looking to create the perfect night with your loved ones, then here are some tips to enjoy it.




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Set the mood with lighting and candles

Firstly, make sure to set the mood when it comes to a relaxed night. Light some candles and get the lighting right, perhaps with some fairy lights?


Setting the scene is important because it helps add to the atmosphere, as well as create an inviting space that all of your family will want to sit in for the evening.


If the ceiling lights are on full blast or the room feels quite cold, you might find your family members venturing off to their room and not returning for the rest of the night.

Get into your comfies earlier in the evening

In order to get relaxed, consider getting into your comfies earlier in the evening. It’s common for people not to get into your loungewear or their sleepwear until later on in the evening. However, if you’re doing it sooner rather than later, you’re definitely going to feel more relaxed as a result.


As soon as the kids get in from school, tell them to grab their comfies. Do the same yourself, even if that means you’re having your dinner in your loungewear. It’s a great way to get relaxed and to create that relaxed vibe you’re after.

Encourage bathtime to unwind

A bathtime is always a great way to unwind when you’re struggling to switch off from work or the kids need to get rid of some of that excess energy they have.


Bathtimes are great and before everyone gets settled on the couch, it’s worth making sure everyone has taken a bath or shower. That way, they’re already ready for bedtime when the movie or activities end for the evening.

Put on a good movie

A good movie is a must when you’re planning a relaxing night in. Whether it’s good movies about cops or a kids-friendly movie, whatever your genre is, make sure that it’s a movie that everyone wants to watch.


There’s nothing worse than watching a movie that some of your family don’t like. They may find themselves getting bored and going to bed early as a result.

Switch your phones off

Finally, in order to keep your whole family engaged, even those who are glued to their phone, make sure you switch all your phones off and leave them in a box or drawer while you’re watching the movie. That way, there are no distractions and it gives the younger ones and you, some time off your phones.


Enjoying a relaxed night in should be a regular occurrence, so make sure you do one soon with your family.


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