3 Popular International Travel Destinations For 2024
Every year, we see new travel destinations become more popular than others. We live on a massive planet with so many amazing countries and cultures, so it’s only natural that new areas of the world start “trending”. Some of the trending vacation destinations may surprise you while others are easier to understand. Below, we’ve listed the top three most popular places to travel to in 2024 Source – CC0 License The Middle East This isn’t a country but rather a group of countries that are rapidly becoming hot tourist spots. Places like Dubai in the UAE have long been popular because they offer luxury holiday getaways. Ironically, we have soccer…
Viva Las Vegas! Once A Gambling Mecca Now A Food & Show Scene
Las Vegas, sin city where what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well unless you are a travel writer and then it is a tell all! My husband recently had a work trip and I tagged along for a few days. I have been to Vegas on numerous occasions and have watched it transition into a food lovers paradise and some of the best shows you will ever see! This trip did not disappoint one bit! This post contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Lets start with the good stuff! FOOD! I had the pleasure of dining at SUSHISAMBA and…