
    What Are The Different Levels Of Anxiety?

    Most of us experience anxiety at some point in our lifetime. However, anxiety affects each of us in different ways.  Firstly, there are many different types of anxiety disorder. A few common examples include phobias, GAD, social anxiety, OCD and PTSD. Triggers can vary from each person, however the severity of the reaction to these triggers can also vary.  While some people may experience mild agitation, others can experience full blown panic attacks. Understanding what level of anxiety you experience can be important for finding the right course of treatment. This post takes a deeper look into the four different levels (mild, moderate, severe and panic level) and explains which…


    Postpartum What?

    Okay ladies and gents it is a topic no one wants to talk about but it is a fact of life and it happens. If you have been following my posts you will know we are now home with our lil one and attempting to adjust. Of course we were both sick when we came home but that passed after the first week or so. Around week two is when the real fun begins! See I am by nature OCD. I am a counter (literally have numbers running in my mind all day) and things have to be a certain way or in my mind the world is pre-apocalyptic. So…