Your Best Life Now!

    Does your past cripple you from moving forward with your future? Do you look at generations before you and feel their downfalls hinder you from living your best life? This is your life so are you where you want to be? These are the questions I asked myself after a girl’s night out and had heavy conversations. There were tears and self-realizations to issues that I had never put my finger on, till then. The topic of how we parent was brought up and comments were made that, “I want to do better, be better in my children’s lives and how I raise them. I don’t want the things of…


    Home Is Where The Heart Is

    Well we did it! Moved cross country with a 19 month old baby and a 14 year old Labrador! Oh and we survived our first week back with work and the humidity! All in all the fact I can smile still and have hair is astonishing! Coop and Abby did really well on the trip. The first day was better than the second but due to rain we couldn’t get out of the car as much for breaks. I want to thank Sesame Street for keeping him entertained for 22 hours! I loaded a season of Sesame Street from Amazon Prime Video to his iPad and let me tell you…