What Is Your Balance In Your Emotional Bank Account?
What Is Your Balance In Your Emotional Bank Account? Sounds like an odd question but if you think about it for a minute, what a great metaphor. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, uses the metaphor of an ‘Emotional Bank Account’ to measure the amount of trust that accumulates in a relationship.1 We all make deposits and withdrawals to this “account” on an ongoing basis. Deposits get added when you do things that are trustworthy or demonstrate care. Withdraws occur when we act in a manner that has people less willing to risk psychological safety by doing things such as being disrespectful, dismissive or dishonest. …
Terrible Two’s Or Unrealistic Expectations?
Ahh Terrible Two’s what every parent dreads. Just kidding that is when they are teenagers right? I personally don’t believe in terrible two’s. I believe that adults have unrealistic expectations how they think a child should act and the adult’s response is what magnifies the child’s terrible behavior. I read a piece recently by Dr. Laura Markham recently on discipline vs. teaching and it was a real eye opener for me. I am a soft one on disciplining Cooper and I may or may not let him get away with more than he should. He is two however and I am realistic in his understanding of how things should and…