Let’s Talk Gear! Hiking, Camping & Outdoor Gear That Is!
Some people get excited about going shoe shopping and I do as well! Just a touch different, hiking shoe different. I love finding a great Outdoor store and can peruse for hours! I want to share with you some of my favorite items and some new that I have discovered recently! OutThere backpacks/ adventure packs were created by Mike Kloser is hands down one of the best packs I have owned. Mike is an adventure racer and he has built an amazing pack. I have 3 I love them so much. OutThere USA is where you can find them and learn more about Mike and his adventures! Ohh and let…
Pirate Themed Birthday Party
I had no idea this would be one of the most fun party’s to plan and decorate for! My little one is into pirates so it only seemed fitting that be the theme for his birthday. We had his party at an indoor trampoline park and the kiddos had so much fun! Enough of that though here is the details for decorating and the cupcakes/ cake. Since COVID is still a concern I had an individual cake made for him and made cupcakes for everyone else so he could still blow out his candles. Thank God for ETSY and the talented people on there! I have link backs to everything.…