How To Help Your Senior Relatives Stay Social

Many older people struggle with depression as a result of loneliness. This is because staying social can often become more difficult as you get older. Many older people end up living alone after the kids have moved out or a spouse dies. Declining health can lead to mobility issues and inability to partake in certain activities – which can reduce independence and further lead to social isolation. Some older people even become housebound because going outdoors is too strenuous. 

It is important for us to keep in contact with our older relatives to stop them from getting lonely. Of course, there is more that we can do to help them stay social – such as arranging social events, offering transport and teaching them how to stay connected with tech. 

This post explores some of the different ways to help keep senior relatives social in greater detail.


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Family events

Scheduling family events involving your senior relative can be a great way to keep them connected with the most important people in their life. While some older relatives may be able to get everyone together, they may not have the means to host dinner or travel somewhere. By offering to host yourself or to transport them somewhere to meet for lunch, you can help them to stay involved in events. You could even ask them for ideas when planning family get-togethers. This can give them some independence to choose the location or activity involved. Those who struggle to use the phone or computer may need additional help to round people up and book reservations. 

Social clubs

Encouraging your older relative to join a social club could help them to get out of the house and meet new people. This should ideally be a club focused around a hobby or interest that they enjoy – such as a book club, a film club, a pilates class, a board game club or a coffee club. Some social clubs are aimed directly at seniors and can be a great opportunity to meet people the same age. It’s possible that you may need to transport them to this club – in which case you need to make sure you are available. 

Senior days out

There are also coach companies that host days out for seniors. These can be a chance to go somewhere new and exciting, while meeting new people the same age. Senior days out typically take individuals to locations such as the beach, local historical attractions, natural parks, museums, theatre performances, music performances and sports events. Your relatives can choose which events they want to do depending on their interests. Some of these companies may be able to pick up your relative directly from their home, while others may have a pick up and drop off point.

Transport services

You may be able to help your older loved one stay social by being their personal taxi. This could include taking them to social events or simply taking them shopping or out for lunch. If you don’t have the time to do this or don’t have a vehicle, you could still help them out by arranging a transport service for them. There are many transport services out there aimed at seniors – including free state and charity-run services. Just be wary that transport services will need to be scheduled ahead and that some may have limited availability due to being popular. 

Mobility scooters

If your loved one has mobility issues, you could help them to stay independent by encouraging them to buy a mobility scooter. If walking has become slow and painful, a mobility scooter could help to make getting around much easier and more fun. Your older relative may need help shopping for a scooter – offer to go to a store with them and try different scooters. Help them to compare prices of scooters and see if there are cheaper prices to be found online. 

Community living

If your older relative lives alone and is a social person, you could try to encourage them to move to a retirement community. These are housing complexes or residential areas that are dedicated to seniors – each individual gets their own residence to live in, while also benefiting from shared on-site facilities such as a restaurant, a gym, an entertainment lounge and community gardens. These places help to promote both independence and socialization. At the same time, many have on-site nursing services, allowing residents to call out nurses whenever they need them or help administer medication at certain times. These places can come with high fees, however the cost varies greatly depending on the level of facilities provided. 

Social media

Some older people are still reluctant to join social media. While social media certainly has its downsides, it is a useful tool for staying connected with friends and family members. Signing up your older relatives may help them to combat loneliness by allowing them to keep up to date with friends and family members’ lives and reach out to people. Your older relative may need some help creating a page and initially navigating it. If they decide they don’t like it, that is fine – but it’s worth them trying it. 

Video calls

Another form of digital technology that can help older people stay connected is video calls. While they may already be used to having phone calls with relatives, video calls can allow face-to-face conversations. For those who are hard of hearing, they may also make communication easier by allowing lip-reading. Many people who never used video call technology learnt how to do so during the pandemic, but if your senior relative didn’t use this technology, they may need help learning how to use it. Help them install any necessary apps and show them how to make a call. 


There are many ways in which we can help our older relatives stay social. While not all the above measures may be necessary, it is worth trying a few of them if you feel that your older relative is lonely. Your older relative will be thankful not only that you are helping them to stay social but that you have shown concern. 


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